
Cosmon’s marketplace is where all in-game assets in the game can be traded. Cosmon NFT holders can list their assets for sale or acquire new ones listed on the marketplace.

Whether you're a seasoned player looking to upgrade your decks, or a new one looking to get a leg up and get started on Cosmon, the marketplace makes choosing your leaders (Level, rarity, type’s preference…) possible all while unlocking assets liquidity for our holders as a secondary market.


  • What are the accepted currencies on the marketplace?

For the moment, the only accepted currency for transacting on the marketplace is $XKI.

  • Does the marketplace charge a fee?

The marketplace charges a 10% fee on sales. Half of the fees are added to the prize pool of the ongoing championship and the other half is burned, just like when purchasing boosts.

No fees are charged for listing NFTs on the marketplace, except for the tx fee.

  • Can I still claim my rewards while my yield-bearing NFT is listed for sale?

Yes, as long as the NFT is not sold, the rewards associated with it are claimable by its owner. However all unclaimed rewards are transferred along with the NFT after the sale, so make sure to claim your rewards regularly.

  • Can I use listed cards on the marketplace to build decks?

No, listed NFTs are not available for deck building.

  • Once I list an NFT, can I edit the listing price?

No. To edit the listing price you need to cancel the listing and relist it again with the new price.

Let’s take a look at how it works:

How to list an asset for sale?

Step 1: On the My Assets page, scroll down to the NFT that you want to list and hover. Click on the 3 dots on its top right corner to see the options and choose ‘List for sale’.

Step 2: Set the listing price and click ‘List Now’.

Step 3: Approve the transaction.

Your NFT is now listed for sale! Check the pictures below for a more detailed step-by-step:

How to delist (cancel listing) an asset for sale?

Step 1: On the My Assets page, select Listed Assets:

Step 2:

Click on the 3 dots on its top right corner of the listed asset to see the options and choose ‘Cancel listing’.

Step 3: Approve the transaction.

Your NFT listing is now canceled! Check the pictures below for a more detailed step-by-step:

How to buy NFTs listed for sale?

To head to the marketplace, you can click on ‘Marketplace’ on the top left on, It’s right next to ‘Buy Cosmon’. See ‘1’ on the image below

Once you’re on the marketplace page, here’s what you can see:

2 - Marketplace metrics: Here you can see total of NFTs listed for sale, total volume of sales on the marketplace and the Floor Price of NFTs.

3 - Filter leaders by name: Here you can filter leaders listed on the marketplace by their name. For ex: Applying this filter on Winston Churchill will display all Winston Churchill NFTs listed for sale.

4 - Other filters: Using this sections, buyers could apply a variety of filters to help find the leader they’re looking for. The list of filters include:

  • Price: You could set a Min or Max or Min and Max.

  • Scarcity: Choose between 5 scarcity levels.

  • Evolution level: You could set a Min or Max or Min and Max.

  • Type’s preference: Choose from the 8 types.

  • Time period: Choose from the 3 periods.

  • Geographical Area: Choose from the 3 Areas.

⚠️ Note: For the moment, you can only apply one filter at a time. Please make sure that you clear current filters to be able to apply new ones by clicking on 'Clear all filters'.

Once you find the NFT you’re looking for, click on it to make sure that its attributes match the specifications you applied in the filters.

If everything matches, you can click on ‘Buy now’ to purchase your NFT and approve the transaction to proceed with the purchase!

Last updated