Weekly Raffles

The Cosmon Weekly Raffle is a weekly NFT collection available for minting on Stargaze.

Designed to give participants the chance to acquire rarer Cosmon leaders, the weekly raffle offers a limited number of NFTs to be minted every week for the Cosmonaut community.

Are you looking to add new Common leaders to your Cosmon army at a discount? Or get a chance at acquiring a yield-bearing Rare, Epic or Legendary Cosmon for a fraction of the cost? The Cosmon Weekly Raffle helps you do just that! 👇

How it works:

Every Thursday at 13:00 UTC, a Cosmon raffle collection goes live for minting on Stargaze.

The links to the collection along with the minting price and the cards to win could be found on our socials. Let’s take a look at the current collection as an example:

The collection has 200 NFTs up for minting for 150 $STARS per NFT and offers the chance to win x5 Uncommon cards (worth 10 $ATOM each) and x1 Rare card (worth 25 $ATOM) for collection holders.

By minting an NFT Ticket here’s what you get:

  • A guaranteed airdrop of a Common Cosmon card at a 40% discount (0.6 $ATOM instead of 1 $ATOM)

  • A chance to win an Epic Cosmon (Valued at 25 $ATOM and unlocks weekly $XKI rewards).

  • A chance to win up to x5 Uncommon Cosmon (Valued at 10 $ATOM each and unlock weekly $XKI rewards).

When are Cosmon leaders distributed:

As soon as the collection is Sold-Out, we give the community a 24-hour window before taking a Snapshot of the holders and distributing the cards with no additional actions are required from the holders.

We randomly select the winners of Rare & Uncommon cards from the list of holders and proceed to airdrop the Cosmon cards. This is also communicated on our socials so always keep an eye on our Twitter & Discord!

Last updated